Check out this awesome post from the amazing Meg Cowan after attending Safe For Life™
I watch her shoulders rise and fall, breath shortening.
He’s talking, honestly, baring his soul.
Teaching from a place of deep knowing.
Raw, real, no stone left unturned.
Telling the painful truth.
The truth that will set her free. ♥️
The minutes move to hours, move to lunch, move more hours.
She’s up and down. Body turning, working.
🙏 Absorbing new truths into her body.
Reprogramming her cells.
Building files and strengthening her intuition.
Exhausted she walks towards the door.
Tired, adrenaline crashing through her body.
But her soul, so strong.
Her heart, so certain. 💕
Her mind, renewed and powerful.
This is the deep work.
Going to the shadows where we fear to tread.
Understanding that when we shine light on them, they have no power. ⚡
The power is in us.
Informed, trained, ready.
Minds strengthened.
Soul calm and centred.
Trauma loses it’s grip.
Fear shown it’s rightful place.
This is why I go to the shadows.
Why I dare to tread here.
Because on the other side I see this.
🔥 A woman standing boldly
It’s why after years this never gets old.
To see another woman built up.
Strong, confident, empowered.
Unleashed to be the fullest expression of herself.
P.S - This is my friend and mentor at Protect Self Defence. He’s an absolute Jedi.
I spent a full day on Saturday, refreshing my knowledge base.
The work I do with Protect is a beautiful physical complement to what I do for women in business and life.
Confidence and certainty in ourselves is so vital if we want to be the boldest most expressed version of ourselves.
The ability to protect ourselves starts in the mind and very time I hear Phil Thompson speak again I am in awe of how one person can take years of pain and turn it into something that literally saves lives. The force is strong in this one.